
We care about your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains how "Ravariba Norge" AS collects information from all visitors of this website.

Personal information collected by "Ravariba Norge" AS and its use

"Ravariba Norge" AS collects information from visitors who submit either of two forms on the website – the question form and the home booking form. Personal information is only collected with the aim to provide a booking or an opportunity to contact the relevant person.

Data Controller

Your personal data controller is "Ravariba Norge" AS, unified registration No. 995489589, legal address: Nord-Statland 7777, Breivik, Norway, phone: +371 29221226, e-mail:

Changing the Privacy Policy

"Ravariba Norge" AS reserves the right to rewrite or change this policy. By using this website, you agree to all terms and amendments thereto.

Last modified: May 14, 2019